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Bronze of "Igor Sikorsky".Kintzler was and commissioned to make a portrait in bronze in honor of the 50th anniversary of Igor Sikorsky designing the first helicopter. In doing so David Kintzler made this bronze as an additional tribute to the event which took place in 1989. He has kept it all these years. This is the only one! there are no others. We have provided photographs showing the sculptor with the bronze portrait commissioned and now at the corporate headquarters. Measures in the book "Igor Sikorsky" His Three Careers in Aviation by Frank J. Delear with forward by General James H Doolittle page 250. 18 inches tall,8 inches deep and 14 inches outside the protruding blades of the helicopter.David Kintzler, sculptor, born 1939 in Cleveland, Ohio. Education: B.F.A. Sculpture, Kent State University. M.A. Painting, Kent State University. M.F.A. Sculpture, Syracuse University. Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, ME. Apprentice Stone Carver, Johnston Monument Works, Newburgh, NY. Taught sculpture at Syracuse University, Kansas City Art Institute, Housatonic Community College, Bpt. CT (Professor Emeritus). Commissions: Igor Sikorsky Life size Bronze Portrait, in Sikorsky Plant's Main Lobby. Benny Goodman, Eubie Blake, Dizzy Gillespi. Works in numerous private collections.Statement by David Kintzler A note from the Sculptor : As the 50th Anniversary of Igor Sikorsky�s first flight of the VS-300 helicopter in 1939 approached, my thoughts returned to the first of several meetings with Igor Sikorsky. I recall him telling me that I was the only sculptor who had ever done his portrait from life. He gave me several signed copies of books he had written, which revealed his being both a mystic and a realist as well as an inventor and businessman. Beyond that, he was a humanist, loved and greatly admired by his extended family of employees at the main plant located in Stratford, Connecticut. My idea was to create a sculpture that would go beyond the traditional portrait, creating a collage of related images. I began with a low relief image of the VS-300, a precarious open frame airship, piloted en plein aire by the designer himself wearing his ever-present fedora and plenty of faith. Located beneath the relief of the helicopter reads the following commemorative information: First flight of the VS-300 helicopter, designed and piloted by Igor Sikorsky--September 14, 1939.Following the commemorative information is a quote that I selected from the writings of Igor Sikorsky: The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead.Positioned in front of the relief is a full figure of Igor Sikorsky. I sought to capture his gentle formality with a balanced, symmetrical stance. All those fortunate to have met Igor Sikorsky will recognize his courtly demeanor as he glances upward toward the sky. This sculpture was cast at the Cavalier Foundry in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1989. The sculpture is signed, copyright 1989. It is the only casting produced and the molds have been destroyed.

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