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   Looking for sap tester USD:$0.00 
We are currently in the process of looking for a SAP Tester for an contract based in Sydney CBD to START ASAP. The ideal candidate must have the following: 1. Minimum of 3+years testing experience in SAP with logistics modules heavily preferred. 2. Manual and/or Automated Test Read Full
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   Software testing -part time & full time | class room training (1000$) USD:$1,000.00 
SoftLabs having more than a decade of experience in �Software Testing �, can measure and deliver the right potential to the people who join us. We are the pioneers in IT Training. We are also attested by ISTQB to the standards in testing training and certification exams. Software T Read Full
    Category: Country: State: Nevada City: Las Vegas89108 Ratings: Not Rated

   Software testing -classroom training(1000$) AUD:1,000.00 
SoftLabs having more than a decade of experience in �Software Testing �, can measure and deliver the right potential to the people who join us. We are the pioneers in IT Training. We are also attested by ISTQB to the standards in testing training and certification exams. Our Online Train Read Full
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